Caphacker: Submagic Pro Rebranded!

Big news for Submagic Pro enthusiasts! Our beloved tool has been rebranded and is now known as Caphacker. It’s an exciting change, but rest assured, all the features you rely on remain the same.

Why the Rebrand?

We got mail from saying that we will take legal action. I talked to my lawyer they advice me to rebrand since they are first in the market and we are brand new so will not lose a lot of traffic.

What Stays the Same?

Even with a new name, the core features of Submagic Pro that you love and depend on are unchanged. Caphacker continues to offer the same great functionality, reliability, and user experience. It’s the same tool, just with a new, snappy name!

Stay Tuned!

Stay connected for more updates and features that Caphacker will bring. We’re excited about this new chapter and can’t wait for you to be a part of it.

Thank you for your continued support. Welcome to the Caphacker family!

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